Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Should i change the style of my writing?

Ok, here goes....

Yesterday i went to KLCC to have lunch with Vandy guys and gals....It was enjoyable but.......i only brought RM 25 ringgit in my pocket. Should i have known GG wanted to 'belanje' us, i should have melantak nasi lemak ayam ke, kuey teow goreng ke....but i opted to eat cendol only....

The ambience were nice and fie and gg was bubbly as used to be. Hahaha....biar la korang cerite pasal org2 nak kawin, aku nak stay bujang and enjoy life still bujang. (Sorry fie, gg, yassir). The gals, only zura dah kawin, i'll be counting days when are you going to get a baby zura...hehehehe...

Then lepas2 tu je, lapar la pulak. Terpaksa guna duit utk makan kat food court klcc. Cukup2 20 ringgit aku makan. 5 ringgit nak bayar parking.....Gee, mahal betul eh makan kat klcc.

hmmmmmmmmmm.......ok tak kalau aku tulis camni? Mcm lebih normal daripada tulis skema mcm biasa....OH well....if you guys want to see my pics, you can visit

I'll end this with a thought, is the world flat or round?


Anonymous said...

the world is round

this style is easy to read..more relax


Genefaith said...

hi Adam..thanks for dropping by at Her and History...I have that in mind to create a post on how to land a teaching job here in Thailand and the cost of living...I would love to do that ASAP but my hectic schedule is overwhelming ...i hope i can do it soonest....